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CE Marking is mandated by European Directives. UKCA marking is mandated by UK Statutory Instruments.

Many products are covered by these directives and, to be placed on the European and GB market, must bear the 'CE' or ‘UKCA’ mark - it's a legal requirement.

With Brexit completed it will still remain vitally important for companies to make sure that their product technical files and Declarations of Conformity are comprehensive, up to date and clearly documented whether products are being sold to GB customers or to EU markets.

This seminar is based primarily on the Machinery Directive. It provides guidance on compliance and assists participants to determine the route that is most appropriate, cost-effective and efficient for their product. For the majority of companies, CE and UKCA marking is a self-certification process and involves an evaluation of the product or machine using risk assessments and relevant standards.

The course will be interactive and participative, with opportunities for discussion. On completion, participants should:

• Have gained an understanding of the statutory requirements involved;
• Understand technical requirements and interpret compliance standards;
• Be able to apply risk assessment techniques relevant to CE and UKCA marking;
• Understand the relevant marking process and identify the best route to compliance.

The seminar will be presented over 2 days as follows:-

Day 1   15th November 2023

09:30    Welcome & Introductions
09:35    BREXIT, CE, UKCA & UKNI
10:00    The Machinery Directive & PUWER
10:45    Q&A & Break
11:15    Essential Health & Safety Requirements
11:45    Other Directives – EMC, RoHS, LVD
12:15    Q&A

Day 2   16th November 2023

09:30    Welcome & Introductions
09:35    Mechanical Standards and control systems
10:30    Practical Risk Assessment
11:00    Q&A & Break
11:30    Technical File & DoC and SOPs
12:15    Q&A and Close

Please register for Day 2 here -

If you have already registered for this event, you can view your registration details from the Booked Events page

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