Exporting can transform your business, but do you have the capability to sell outside Northern Ireland? Our Practical Export Skills programme offers interactive, one-day workshops that will equip you with the necessary skills. You don’t have to be exporting right now –you might just be thinking about it.
Our Practical Export Skills series provides practice-based advice and guidance with workshops targeted at those with operational level responsibility for selling outside Northern Ireland or senior staff who want to refresh their understanding of the processes and practicalities of exporting.
Our Pitch Optimisation workshop held on Wednesday 20 March, 09:30-12:30, at Invest NI, Western Regional Office, Omagh (Kevlin Avenue) will help you get your message, personality and credibility across clearly and consistently in every pitch.
With practical demonstration as a guide, you will learn to prepare and structure an impactful pitch and then practice delivering it, learning effective use of visual aids, managing your body language, and controlling nerves.
This will be delivered in partnership with Una McSorley, Marcomm Training.